Los Angeles, CA – Following this weekend’s missile launches, kidnappings and acts of war causing an estimated over 1000 fatalities, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield and members of the Los Angeles City Council hosted a press event at LA City Hall to stand in solidarity with Israel. In addition to Councilmembers, Blumenfield welcomed Consul General of Israel to the Pacific Southwest Israel Bachar, Jeffrey Abrams of the Anti-Defamation League, Serena Oberstein of Jewish World Watch among many other local Jewish leaders.
Representing the West San Fernando Valley, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield said:
“My colleagues and I held a press conference and release this statement to show our solidarity with Israel. As elected leaders representing a majority of this City, representing every ethnic and religious group, we have joined together to unequivocally condemn Hamas and stand with the Israeli people against hate, against murder, and for democracy. Hamas and many of the people who are defending their heinous actions wish to wipe Israel and its people off the face of the earth. It is not just LA City Hall that has been lit up in blue and white — it is the soul of every Angelino who cares about democracy, decency and human life.”
Councilwoman Katy Yaroslavsky said:
"I know in the Jewish community, the pain of this atrocity has touched every single one of us – and it is immense. Our sense of isolation, anger and fear is palpable. There is no justification for terrorism. There is no moral superiority in barbarically murdering innocent civilians, dragging children from their homes, or kidnapping civilians to use as bartering chips. We must continue to work towards peace, without the further loss of civilian life, and I hope for humanity’s sake, we achieve that soon."
Council President Paul Krekorian said:
“Words cannot convey the horror we all feel as we absorb the news from Israel. I know I can speak for many Angelenos when I say that our hearts are breaking for the victims of this horrific violence, and for their families and loved ones. The world can never accept or normalize the kind of brutality Hamas is now intentionally inflicting on civilians, including helpless children and the elderly, through these terrorist acts. Our government must exert whatever influence it can to bring an end to this appalling bloodshed, to secure the safe return of all hostages, and to restore peace.”
Councilmember Traci Park said:
"We must uplift the voices that seek peace, support the victims of violence, and condemn those who condone, excuse, or support the inhumane violence against civilians that Hamas is perpetrating. This attack on Israel was an attack on the US, on the city of LA, and on democracy itself. We will never let terrorists win and we will not be intimidated."
Councilmember Curren Price said:
"The time for silence and complacency is over. The world must unite in opposition to these acts of terrorism and raise our collective voices against them. As history has shown, the resilience and fortitude of the Jewish people in the face of adversity is unparalleled. Justice and peace will prevail, for the spirit of Israel shall never be crushed or erased."
Councilmember Tim McOsker said:
"My heart breaks to witness the tragedy in Israel and the pain that so many Angelenos are experiencing today. I stand in solidarity with our Jewish community and will keep them, their families, and all the victims in my prayers. Tragically, these acts of terrorism by Hamas will set off a chain reaction that will cause further unimaginable suffering throughout the region."
Los Angeles is home to over half a million Jewish people, the second largest Jewish population in the United States, the largest Israeli population outside of Israel, and the City Council firmly stands behind the Israeli people during this horrific time.