"With its historic retail corridor along Sherman Way, natural resources like the Los Angeles River, transit accessibility with the Orange Line Busway, and diverse neighborhoods, I know Reseda’s best days are ahead. With the launch of Reseda Rising we are opening a dynamic, multi-front initiative to leverage those incredible resources to create the Reseda we know it can, should, and soon will be.”
-Councilmember Bob Blumenfield
Reseda Rising is Councilmember Bob Blumenfield’s multi-front initiative to find, direct and coordinate over $100 million worth of transformative investment in the community, which is more than the total investment in the prior 20 years.
Recognizing the challenges presented by the dissolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in 2012, Blumenfield launched this initiative to develop a shared community vision for Reseda, and to support the commercial activity that will make Reseda once again into a destination for commerce, art and culture.
In 2015 Blumenfield engaged the non-profit Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative (LANI), and community leaders to foster the community to actualize his vision and also identify additional resources to transform the neighborhood. That community engagement process culminated in the 2016 Sherman Way Conceptual Plan, which has informed and will continue to inform all aspects of Reseda Rising.
As of March 2024, there are several complete projects, several underway and others in the home-stretch. The following are some highlights.
Reseda Skate Rink: A City partnership with LA Kings to construct a $26 million community indoor ice skating and outdoor roller venue. Programs at the rink will be subsidized and affordable for our local kids to enjoy. Status: Under construction, with the project expected to be completed January 2025.
Reseda Theater Redevelopment: A public-private partnership to restore and re-open the Reseda Theater as a community attraction to preserve the iconic Reseda Marquee and to build a 26-unit senior affordable housing project. The City of Los Angeles provided $1.65 million worth of properties to Thomas Safran Associates for development and $4 million in Proposition HHH funding. Click here to learn more about Reseda Theater Redevelopment. Status: Affordable housing project completed in 2023; theater component expected to be completed early 2026.
Reseda Boulevard Complete Street: $21 million to reconstruct and repave Reseda Boulevard to improve safety for motorists, transit, pedestrians and bicyclists. Status: Completion expected Spring 2024.
Aliso Creek Confluence Park: An investment of more than $7.2 million to build a multi-phase brand new park at the confluence of LA River near Wilbur Avenue and Kittridge Street. This park not only features expanded pedestrian paths and a river bridge that link it to the local community, but it is a destination park along what ultimately will become a 51 mile linear park River bikeway. Phase II of Aliso Park is currently being designed and will include a pedestrian bridge across Aliso Creek, and a linear park along the north bank of the LA River, stormwater cleaning bioswales, and will connect to Reseda Boulevard. Status: In final design. Construction expected in 2025.
Los Angeles River Bicycle Path and Greenway: The expansion of the LA River bike path from Vanalden to the Sepulveda Basin represents a major recreational improvement and serious financial investment (more than $33 million). The expansion creates a continuous linear park/bikeway that runs through Blumenfield’s entire district along the River. Ultimately, it will represent the head of a 51-mile linear bikeway/park that runs from the West Valley through downtown and all the way to the Ocean in Long Beach. Status: Design complete. RFP release expected Spring 2024.
Reseda Rising Art Walk: Launched in 2019, this annual street fair featuring local visual and performing arts quickly became a staple of the community’s yearly festivities. While the festival took a pause due to COVID-19 Safety Guidelines, Councilmember Blumenfield is relaunching the festival for April 2024. You can expect to see some new vendors and new art installations, but the same fun and excitement as in years past. Click here to learn more about Reseda Rising Art Walk.
Sherman Way Great Street Project: $3.5 million in streetscape and safety improvements on Sherman Way between Lindley and Wilbur. Status: Construction was completed in Spring 2021.
Traffic Signal Safety Improvements: New left-turn signals on Victory & Wilbur, a pedestrian island at Wilbur and Arminta, a new traffic signal at Victory and Vanalden. Status: Completed.
Reseda Park Improvements: Blumenfield’s leadership spurred the Department of Recreation and Parks to improve the facilities and programming at Reseda Park in addition to his allocation of $582,000 for infrastructure repair, native landscaping on the north bank of the Los Angeles River, and quality of life improvements. He also made sure that Reseda Park was one of the first parks in the City to become a free Wi-Fi hotspot.
Commercial Façade Improvement Program: $1.5 million is available to property owners for loans and grants to improve exteriors of small commercial storefronts in Reseda and Canoga Park. This is in addition to the Covid-19 small business emergency relief funding and partnerships dedicated to save Reseda's main street, and mom and pop businesses.
Reseda Monument Sign: As you may know, a 200-unit apartment building with 8,000 square feet of retail space was recently completed at the corner of Reseda and Kittridge. When they were going through their approval process and based on community feedback, Councilmember Blumenfield insisted that they pay for and build a Monument Sign welcoming visitors to Reseda, along with many street improvements including a landscaped median, street trees, street furniture, and street widening. The new sign went up in Spring 2021 and it will help provide a greater sense of place for our community.
MRCA River Patrol: The MRCA River Patrol is an innovative pilot program with Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority to provide unified programming, safety and maintenance along the LA River using their rangers. To make this a reality Blumenfield allocated $416,000 for the first three months of the program, and committed to continue providing funds for the entire year. This amount totals to over $1.2 Million.
Los Angeles Conservation Corps (LACC): To insure that Reseda and the district gets extra clean-up attention, Blumenfield has essentially put the LACC on retainer and created office space for them in his District Office. LACC performs graffiti abatement, tree and landscape planting and maintenance, and cleanup services in Reseda and throughout Council District 3. LACC cleared over 44,000 pounds of trash and over 35,000 square feet of weeds in Reseda alone. All of this comes from funds Blumenfield secured and goes above and beyond normal City clean up services.
Reseda Rising relies on community input and shared vision. Please sign up with Councilmember Blumenfield to get updates about events, community meetings, and receive the latest news about Reseda Rising. Also, do you have a story or picture to share about your Reseda experience? Please send stories, questions or ideas to Councilmember.Blumenfield@lacity.org.